
01 02 03     那辆虎式坦克隶属于党卫军帝国师的第八重装甲连(SS第102重坦克营的前身),照片中显示的是第三排3号车〔战术编号S33〕。车体侧面写有一个工整的 汉字“福”,而且是按中国传统倒过来书写,用“福倒”的谐音意味着“福到”。但是为什么这个中国风俗会到达十万八千里外的德国,而且被写在党卫军的虎式坦 克上的呢?

《兵器知识》上一篇有关福到老虎的文章,仅供参考。全文如下:“最有力的佐证是来自一份党卫军军官的日记,此人是党卫军第一○二重坦克营的约阿希姆·斯考尔SS上尉。一九四四年六月二十二日,斯考尔在诺曼底被加拿大军队俘虏,加拿大在返还其日记前,制作了一份副本。战后这份副本被部分出版,由于党卫军第一 ○二营的前身就是‘帝国师’的虎式坦克连,因此据斯考尔的叙述,S33号的车长名叫迪特里希·弗恩,是一名不怎麽样的坦克手。弗恩与一名华人女性恋爱并结婚,他曾提出将妻子的中文名写在火炮身管上,但遭到上级的否决。于是他在自己的虎式坦克车体两侧和前部共写了三个倒‘福’以求好运,但这并未给他带来幸运。S33号在罗斯托夫战区被苏军摧毁,弗恩只当了五个星期的车长便命丧黄泉。


Dragon Armor has announced a new 1/72 scale Tiger I Early-Production model. The model depicts a vehicle from 8./Pz.Rgt.2 of the elite “Das Reich” Panzer-Division fighting in the massive Battle of Kursk in July 1943. The realistic-looking Tiger I is painted in a three-color camouflage scheme, with the division’s insignia located on the front of the hull. What’s interesting about the vehicle’s markings is the Chinese character福. For those literate in the intricacies of written Chinese, they’ll recognize that it’s the word “blessing”. However, the character’s written upside down, which provides the meaning of “blessings arrived”. It’s a mystery why Chinese characters should appear on a German tank, but it certainly makes an interesting conversation point. Apart from the markings, this “lucky” Tiger I is extremely well detailed and robustly constructed.


